Monday, January 17, 2011

Starting Frozen Yogurt

Ripropongo la storia di Sara

The story of Sara, the 25-10-2002-2-September 2003

Many of you will wonder why so young ...

25-10 -2002 is the birthday will be 15 years.

Mother organize and book a table in a nightclub

Chivasso in the province of Turin, where they attend

know a little 'tutti.Parteciparono friends, friends, mom , his brother Daniel,

everything was done in fun, festeggiamenti.Sara cake was very happy.

At the end of the evening approached 'a gentleman there with his children and his wife,

leave with Sara on her card making them the compliments for her beauty.

That gentleman was a promoter, a agente che organizzava spettacoli e sfilate di moda...

Tutto sarebbe finito li,ma passato un po di tempo arrivo una telefonata e Sara

venne invitata a fare un provino per una sfilata,ma la mamma disse di no in quanto

Sara era troppo giovane poi c'era l'impegno della scuola,lei frequentava il secondo

anno al lceo artistico a Torino. Sara pero'continuava ad insistere voleva provare,

promise di impegnarsi negli studi al massimo e alla fine strappo' il si alla mamma.

Inizio cosi a partecipare a sfilate e concorsi di bellezza.

Arrivo'il July 2003 and she conquisto'l'ottava band and was admitted to the final

miss the miss in Reggio Calabria.

departed August 29, 2003 in many boys and girls, the journey by plane

have decided to return later in the plane seats were no longer 'available ...

In Calabria accogliierli found in a beautiful mansion where the boys had three

beautiful evenings ... Sara told me that he enjoyed, and said she was happy

also have wore the magnificent wedding dresses ..

the final evening qualifies Sara 5 Miss Congeniality is the ninth band ..

All then organized themselves for the return, those who train in the car and indeed

Sara car .. They left at 21 pm, was 1 settembre2003,

4 traveled all notte.L 'last message to mom .. it was midnight.

the morning to 7:20 in Tuscany ttrovavano while the guy driving did

overtaking lane and when you trovo'una rientro'nella his car in front of him ..

too late .. The impact was very violent, Sara unaware, asleep in the back seat

died on the spot and three others unharmed ... .. Now his latest band wrapped in the coffin ..

hello Sara ..


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