Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Anklet Bracelet Tattoos

First commissioned work

course, you always start from the relatives!
This butterfly has requested me to my aunt who was looking for something nice to hang on the wall of the living room in the house in the mountains, a trip to Briancon saw some fabric decorations, but nothing that convince. when he decided to ask me something he had in mind the hearts, then wandering around on the internet I made a controrposta: the butterfly!

Here what I made, because I still have some stuff I thought of making "three of a kind" by adding a smaller butterfly and maybe a tilda heart model. Before I hear the opinion of the zia...e se vorrete commentare anche il vostro :)

Il modello l'ho trovato su Picasa ma non ho segnato il link ed ora, anche se vorrei, non posso mettervelo!

A presto, Sara


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