Mamma tempo è proprio volato! Tra esami e vacanze non aggiorno il blog da un bel po', parlarvi della mie vacanze mi sembra decisamente troppo tardi (ma lasciatemi dire che è stata un'estate fantastica) per cui passo direttamente alle novità creative!
Quasi a year ago I enrolled in SAL HEARTS WITH SURPRISE Stefy, in theory I should publish a work in hearts theme each month but in practice I did not .... I had intended to publish a post on the first six months to June, but even then I've failed! At the time I got to wrap gifts for my 6 combined (which must remain secret until the last) and now I've finally photographed together ... Then slowly I'll make a nice post dedicated to my 12 creations!
It would seem that this My first experience with SAL did not go great, probably 12 months too long .... 12 ideas to be found are not a joke ... but since the idea of \u200b\u200bexchanging small gifts with another blogghina I like I just decided to try again with something much simpler: the SWAP UNDER YOUR TREE Alessandra also makes provision for the exchange of a decoration of the Christmas tree and a house for my combination of Marci . I'm already starting to develop some projects, I love Christmas so it will not be difficult but I want to take some time to understand the tastes of the girl who will send these two thoughts. Chatting with my e-mail are combined was invited to participate in its blog Candy, although there are still a few days .... take a leap in the Blog in the trunk of Marci and see the creations of jewelry that you could win
Before leaving I'll tell you one last thing, the experience of two beautiful Domnich ago when I went in company with my mom to get to know Stefy Cumiana course of I Believe in Dreams and Laura of Laura Country , you can see pictures here and here. It was the first time I went to hear blogghine and at first I was a little embarrassed, but after a moment has passed now! These two girls really nice and funny, laura (which is the clutch that I love and admire) just gave me some advice, I'll try to make one soon! Stefania instead is a volcano of energy, I conquered. We hypothesized a meeting of creative ... who knows .... it would be great for now we will try to arrange to go along with Manuel!
here .... this is what has happened in these months of silence!