Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cramping And Cervical Fluid At Implantation

A new blog candy

Come vi ho detto quando ho postato i regali di Natale sono ritornata attiva e in questa tranquilla domenica un po' grigietta mi sono messa al pc a creare idee, ispirazione e soprattutto per aggiornarmi  un po'...

Girando, girando ho trovato questo BLOG CANDY e mi are known as "the masses ... I'll try" and I decided groped luck! And then whatever happens is nice opportunity to welcome up to Tiz blogspot

This is the prize, do not you feel like you rush to sign up?
The column on the side I put the link and logo (the handsome butler)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Diagram Of A Duck-billed Platypus

After all my good intentions I worked Christmas ..... but I have not posted anything!

So here is a nice summary of the gifts you've made this year!

First, I propose this fragrant little angel ... I was inspired by a fantasy world blog but add arms. I especially like the hair I found in haberdashery and the wings that I bought on . To be my second attempt are satisfied, the reaction of those who have received has been very positive.

For two of my fellow students have prepared these jobs in pannolenci!
For a lover of the whimsical earrings (I assure you that it has even more details of these ...) I created this cheerful pair starting from the material I had searched for the series (see few posts below). The second is a keychain, keys, however, does not hang but are caught inside. In this way you can collect the keys near the phone to the portfolio without scratching anything! The idea was just my cat, while the starting point of this kind of keychain I got from Cotton Flower

And here are the most difficult jobs ....

For Susy, big fan of frogs, I made this plush. The pattern with all the instructions I found on the book Creating stuffed animals that I recommend for the beauty of animals offered and the ease of implementation. Obviously, this frog was once engaged to the plush Ikea Frog Prince!

's latest work is a true gift but I decided to make this purse in fabric instead of paper, even a Natale bisogna limitare gli sprechi e pensare all'ambiente.L'ispirazione l'ho avuta da Caffè Creativo ....un sito che vale la pena tener d'occhio!

Ed ora vi saluto....con la speranza di aver ripreso il ritmo e di riuscire ad aggiornare il blog più spesso.
