Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dr Leaf And Lawn Vacuum For Sale

late Christmas parties .... and here!

Sabato ho spedito i due portapenne per i bimbi della Georgia e Chiara mi ha confermato di averli ricevuti prima ancora che io avessi il tempo scrivere il post!

My cousin who has since specialized in painting on cloth that has blue and green (sewn by me) for the small Giorgi ...

But I have entrusted me to my needle and thread used by a purse dubleface with the football theme. I made a series of applications with
the vliesofix and I think I focused a little beyond my ability to choose to do

balls so little ones. Are satisfied with the flag that I stitched and finished with two satin ribbons instead of cotton, the effect seen and photographed is not very nice. The shirt is one of the Georgian National fortunately that is white with red stitching .... and the name of the painting is just the name of the boy who gave me Clare.

Once again I would like to congratulate Clare that even in this period was often away from home to work has managed this wonderful initiative. I believe that each of us who attend other outside this year will have the joy of having won something really special ...


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Brazilian Wax With A Yeast Infection

Among the blogs I follow is that of Iris who has recently published these delicious panels made with transfer paper, some very nice clothes and all his good taste. I find that the combinations of colors are fantastic!

as you would use them?? I'd do us a myriad of bags Custom ....

you soon, Sara

Monday, October 19, 2009

Frankenstein Quotes Loss

Giveaway cute idea that falls like a glove!

But hello .... Blog browsing Alessandra I made a comment about the series I found a giveaway that is giving away beautiful fabrics, hand painted! I also point out to anyone who passes by here ....

I already imagine some necklace made with these fabrics!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Denise Milani Vs Lindsey Mckinsey

finally got to spend some 'creative sewing .... at the beginning of the university I was completely absorbed! But this morning I put aside his notes to create this fabric necklace .... please tell me what you think! You would put a necklace in the fabric??

This necklace I saw long ago Blog Yersinia first venture into building and I searched some information on the Internet (mica could always studying ...) and I found two tutorials: the first of that Yersinia has created a video , the other is a free pattner Amy Butler (unfortunately for me in English), but very useful for measurements.

well as how to make the necklace, I wondered if there were other possibilities: ecco il risultato delle mie ricerche...

Come potete vedere la stesso Yersina ha realizzato altri splendidi modelli (per i quali ho già comprato una parte del materiale, per cui aspettatevi nuovi post) che potete trovare nel suo negozio on-line dove vi consiglio di guardare anche le borse! Un altro megozio on-line che vale la pena di una visita è quello di FRANZISK dove tra le varie cose potrete trovare le collane in pannolenci visibili in questo album Flicker . Se pensate di andare in merceria a comprare il materiale delle vostre collane l'ispirazione giusta può arrivarvi da Kate Crusch and the Estrone if you like hinges and talented Melitta Rondini if found some nifty buttons.

you soon, Sara