Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Milena Velba Clips Bowling

Il Capitano Santoro su Telereggio

"I enthusiastically joined the project would strongly by Giuse Barrile. I think after the failure to register, that there was the best way to start than by young people and our school basketball today is an opportunity not to disperse unbeatable 40-year history of basketball at all levels. Amim and we dedicate ourselves to a project to enhance the body of our school basketball, offering moments of confrontation with the outside world in order to initiate a process of maturation that will also involve us adults. Will work together with families of that will aim to educate, with passion and patience, through the sport of basketball. "Watch the video del'intervista:

http://www / telereggiosport_archivio.php? t = settembre2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

Matchstick Boat Diagram


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ohio Driver License Renewell


The "Poz" spend, Friday, September 21, an afternoon with our young athletes.

(Reggio Calabria, September 19, 2007) - The Viola School Basketball is pleased to announce that on Friday 21 September next at 17.00, Gianmarco Pozzecco will welcome guest at the Sports Center of District Modena.
will, for our young athletes and our young players, a great occasion for the project in line with the Viola School Basketball will announce in detail in the next day and providing additional opportunities for this comparison as to strengthen the process of technical maturity and, above all, of our human children. Gianmarco Pozzecco, unchallenged and undisputed idol of most young basketball players (and more) of Italy, has joined enthusiastically in the initiative promoted by the leadership of the school and appreciated the commitment of Sandro Santoro and his technical staff, sharing the path of recovery through young Viola. La Viola has been a valuable asset of the national basketball and the school's basketball will try to avoid losing, saving with the help of our young athletes and great players such as the "Poz".

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Property Management Laws Texas

Sandro Santoro sarà il nuovo Direttore Tecnico della Scuola di Basket Viola

(Reggio Calabria, 13 settembre 2007) – La Scuola di Basket Viola, come già annunciato nel mese di agosto, ha ripreso le attività del proprio Settore Giovanile: potenziamento della struttura organizzativa della stessa Associazione e del Settore Tecnico sono i primi obbiettivi raggiunti.Un importante salto di qualità è stato compiuto con la nomina a Direttore Tecnico della scuola di Sandro Santoro che per l’esperienza e le qualità è certamente tra i più qualificati in Italia a svolgere questo ruolo. Santoro si impegnerà a trasmettere a giovani e giovanissimi allievi le esperienze che derivano dai suoi 17 anni di militanza nel massimo campionato di basket. Dopo avere accettato l’incarico, He immediately began to plan the entire activity, for which we announced significant positive developments, through a series of meetings with technical staff and immediately after with the first workouts that will last until Friday next week will be 14 settembre.Già the planned activities of the entire youth sector this year, for the first time, the dye ... pink was in fact planned - first in neroarancio house - even the entry of young girls, so they can take part in mini-courses that, this year, will commence immediately after the final season starts school.